
Mechanical Sheet Metal Decoiler

Mechanical Sheet Metal Decoiler

Mechanical Sheet Metal Decoiler

Mechanical Sheet Metal Decoiler

Mechanical Sheet Metal Decoiler

Mechanical Sheet Metal Decoiler

Mechanical Sheet Metal Decoiler

Mechanical Sheet Metal Decoiler

Just like low weight rolled sheet metal internal tightening can be done by a hydraulic system, it can also be done with a mechanical system.


For low weight roll sheet metal, mechanical decoiler is preferable, because it saves the cost of hydraulic system and thus reducing investment cost of machinery. We recommend mechanical decoiler for rolled sheet metals not exceeding 4 tons, to reduce investment cost of the machine.


However, design changes can be made to all our decoiler varieties according to our customers need. Please contact us to determine the type of decoiler your system needs and to learn the respective prices.
